CSV Convert / Reformat

A comma separated values utility to convert / reformat files

csvcr - CSV Convert / Reformat for comma separated values files.

This is a linux / windows progarm to convert / reformat csv files.

This project was started after reading an article about the woes of importing a paypal transaction history csv file into the HomeBank accounting application.

Being a programmer I thought "How hard could it be?" and came up with this solution.

I plan on expanding the program as I think of new things to add or as I get suggesstions / requests from people.

ReadMe for csvcr

Download linux 64 bit: From here   Created on February 16 2020 12:54:25.

Download linux 32 bit: From here    Created on February 16 2020 12:55:09.

Download windows 64 bit: From here    Created on February 16 2020 12:55:22.

Download windows 32 bit: From here    Created on February 16 2020 12:55:31.